YCAP delivers evidence-based programs (EBPS) to middle and high school students throughout the City of Yonkers. Prevention research has produced substantial evidence that EBPS can change youth and families’ risk factors, lowering levels of youth problem behaviors. Currently, YCAP delivers three (3) evidence-based programs, (1) Too Good for Violence which is designed to help students learn the necessary skills to prevent violence. Delivered with fidelity, the TGFV program consists of 10 (45) minute lessons which can be delivered once or twice a week. (2) Substance Use Prevention Optimizing Robust Teens (SPORT) Plus Wellness (PPW) the nation’s only easy to use, single 45-minute session substance use prevention program designed to increase fitness, health and performance-enhancing behaviors like physical activity, sports participation, healthy eating, getting adequate sleep, and practicing stress control for youth. Specifically, YCAP emphasizes the awareness of the importance to stay away from vaping, e-cigarettes, hookah, and all other drugs and alcohol delivered with fidelity. (3) Botvin LifeSkills Training (LST) is a research-validated substance abuse prevention program proven to reduce the risks of alcohol, tobacco, drug abuse, and violence by targeting the major social and psychological factors that promote the initiation of substance use and other risky behaviors. Delivered with fidelity, the Botvin LifeSkills program consists of 15-18 (45) minute lessons which can be delivered once or twice a week.